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Universal Music Group Makes Waves: Demands Streaming Services Remove AI-Generated Music, Citing ‘Moral and Commercial Responsibility to Our Artists,’ as Reported by Mashene Music

1. The Big Three label, Universal Music Group (UMG), is reportedly cracking down on the use of AI-generated music with a flurry of takedown requests, as revealed by an anonymous source. UMG's efforts to combat unauthorized use of copyrighted content in AI-generated tracks have been swift and decisive. In a letter to streaming services, UMG emphasized the importance of obtaining proper consents and compensating rightsholders, signaling a moral and commercial responsibility towards their artists, rather than solely focusing on the market impact of mass-produced music via AI.
The Big Three label, Universal Music Group (UMG), is reportedly cracking down on the use of AI-generated music with a flurry of takedown requests, as revealed by an anonymous source. UMG's efforts to combat unauthorized use of copyrighted content in AI-generated tracks have been swift and decisive. In a letter to streaming services, UMG emphasized the importance of obtaining proper consents and compensating rightsholders, signaling a moral and commercial responsibility towards their artists, rather than solely focusing on the market impact of mass-produced music via AI.
Written by Tommy Mac

Universal Music Group (UMG), the powerhouse music label, is reportedly taking action to curb the proliferation of AI-generated tracks on popular streaming services like Spotify and Apple Music, as revealed in a recent report by The Financial Times. The music industry has witnessed a surge in the use of artificial intelligence, with major players like Hybe, Spotify, Apple, and UMG itself investing in cutting-edge AI technologies throughout 2022.

Ironically, UMG had previously backed Soundful, an AI-powered startup that claimed to enable anyone to create music quickly. However, now UMG is reportedly targeting AI-derivative works with takedown requests and asking streaming services to cut off access to its catalog for developers using it to train AI technology.

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Tommy Mac: Founder, Producer Mashene Music Group, Las Vegas
Tommy Mac: Founder, Producer Mashene Music Group, Las Vegas

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